Court Support
In-person Support at Court
Do you have court coming up for an intervention order? Court can be overwhelming, you might feel like so much is going on but you can't take it all in. Our Court Support team can help to make the day a little less stressful.
Our Court Support Program offers in person support to assist with the process of applying for an Intervention Order. We can make appointments at the Courts for Intervention Orders, assist with the application, arrange legal representation and attend court with clients.
We can also assist with safety planning for court dates, and provide emotional support, advocacy, information & make necessary referrals.
Melbourne Magistrates Court
Sunshine Magistrates Court and
Werribee Magistrates Court (by arrangement)
Heidelberg Magistrates Court
Broadmeadow Magistrates Court
Neighbourhood Justice Centre (NJC) Collingwood
Referrals can be made by calling 9403 9400, where you will be linked with Kerry or Stella.